Kentaro Kuribayashi's blog

Software Engineering, Management, Books, and Daily Journal.

[diary] 2012-01-05 (Thu) - Kindle Touch

I have been hesitating whether to buy Kindle Touch or not since I saw it for the first time, when I had already bought Kindle Fire and was almost satisfied with it. Nevertheless, I bought it today. I thought it was worthless to have been stuck into such an indecision because I knew I must buy it in the near future, anyway.

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Of course, Kindle Touch works and responds slower than Kindle Fire, but E ink is far much better than Fire's display which is ordinary and decent but too bright for me to read books long time. I like Kindle Fire because I can read books with it even in the dark, which is useful when I'm in my futon before I fall asleep. However, what's the most important is readability. Now that I got Kindle Touch, I'll read more books with it!!1