Word Power Made Easy #3 - Session 2
- ego: I, myself
- egocentric: one who is excessively fixated on his own desires, needs, etc.
- egomaniacal: morbidly, obsessively wrapped up in oneself
- alter: other
- altruism: philosophy of putting anther's welfare aboveone's own
- to alternate: to take one, skip one, etc.
- to alter: to change
- altercation: argument
- altruistic: interested in the welfare of others
- alternative: a choice
- alternation: a change
- alter ego one's other self
- alternate (adj.): other possible
Word Power Made Easy: The Complete Handbook for Building a Superior Vocabulary
- 作者: Norman Lewis
- 出版社/メーカー: Turtleback Books
- 発売日: 1999/10
- メディア: 学校
- クリック: 4回
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