[diary] 2011-12-29 (Thu) - Nikukai!
Today is the last work day in this year. We all the staff did clean-up our office this afternoon. I hope the next year become happier for us.
We had a yakiniku party at 錦へんこつ (id:sallymylove organized it. Thanks!) to take a lecture, "whether it's 肉 or not", by id:amaria who is a kind of authority of 肉. She has a solid belief in meats; for example, she maintains that sasami is not meat but vegetable. She insisted that we have to spread meats wide to cover the grill, not caring such a trivial thing as how much meat we can eat. I think she needs some remedie about that, but, anyway, we had a nice time and ate much.
This year as well, "bnenkai" was held at id:AirReader's room. We retrospected this year by the hottest 50 entries on Hatena Bookmark and ustreamed it. As we expected before, there were many articles about the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and nuclear power station. But then, I drank too much today and enjoyed. Thank you guys!