Kentaro Kuribayashi's blog

Software Engineering, Management, Books, and Daily Journal.


Got out of bed at 11 a.m. It's because I had read The Three Kingdom Saga into the wee hours. The book is so long that I'm getting bored to continue.

Had a lunch that the spouse cooked and went out. Walked through Komaba to visit a shop which sold potteries and was holding an exhibition. I didn't plan to buy one, but my eyes were suddenly caught by a pottery. Whenever I encounter a good one, it looks as if it were spotlighted. Among many potteries, the good shines individually from others. It's wonderful.

Go further to Shimokitazawa and had a seat at a cafe at which we were reading each other. I finished a book that I was given by the colleague of the book. It's been some months since I read a book on technical topic. I need to read more to get knowledge about it, I'm convinced.

Had a dinner at Shimonya. We eventually visit it wherever we went.

Chatted with the spouse and wrote a blog post on the pottery I bought and on the book I read before. Since the sake I bought yesterday has been already drunk up, I'm having distilled spirit while writing this post.