Kentaro Kuribayashi's blog

Software Engineering, Management, Books, and Daily Journal.

[diary] 2011-12-03 (Sat)

It was afternoon when I got up. I went out soon to a bookstore to take a look at a JavaScript book, found it was not so useful for me, at least for near future, and had a lunch at Soto.

I have to do with JavaScript code which has been nothing but a terrible thing while I have been adding many changes into that. It seems I have to introduce some big shift to whole architecture. Coding effectively and cleanly in JavaScript + DOM is too difficult for me even now. I decided to separate the code into some unit-testable parts and just write tests for them. It might go well. Many things are left to improve, though. I must study some methods to treat effectively the relations of UI parts and the codes.

Sneezing started disturbing me from concentrating on that work, it seemed I'm getting a cough these days, so I abandoned it and went to a tavern to have some hot dishes and sake; 海老芋の揚げ出し, 下仁田ネギの塩焼き, 牡蠣味噌鍋 (+ 雑炊). A pot of boiled oyster and vegetables with miso was especially delicious. I got fully warm for that.


I read through 夜中にジャムを煮る written by Yoko Hiramatsu, one of the authors who I love the best while hanging around on my bed. Whenever I read her book, I get eager to cook something delicious or have some.