Kentaro Kuribayashi's blog

Software Engineering, Management, Books, and Daily Journal.


いつも通りに起きて、メディテーション。最近、なかなか集中できない。しかし、「慈悲の瞑想」を取り入れてからは、だいぶマシになってきたと思う。I can feel that the "mode" changes right after I do it.

今年は、これまでよりもさらに枠を広げてあれこれやってる感じだけど、その時々で気を抜かずに集中してやってかないと、単にあれこれやってるだけになりそうなので、気をつけないとなあ。Just doing what I can do and will not eventually result outcome is useless, no matter how much I do. I think it's critical if I realize it or not.

終業後、I went to 丸善ジュンク堂 and ハーバート・A・サイモン『意思決定と合理性 (ちくま学芸文庫)』を買った。Although I have several books of him, ちゃんと読めてないので読まないと。This book shows an introduction to his works, so まずはこの本を読んで概要を得てから他に進んでいきたいところ。

Having taking a nap, because I got tired today, started reading the book, while drinking sake. I was surprised that he said pathos was important in the process of decision-making. 限定合理性まではわかるけど、I hadn't thought he would mention such a thing. The book is interesting for me also in practical context.

I feel sure that I need to learn another language except for Japanese and English; I can't express my feeling freely from the limit that constrains me to look deeply into myself. Foreign language that I can't fluently use reversely encourages me to do so.